Falling Back


Falling Back

by Jeremy Yarbrough

    Who doesn't like an extra-long weekend?  Everyone is looking forward to this Saturday evening due to the change in time when we turn the clocks back one hour.  It has to be the best weekend of the year and I am sure most will spend their extra hour gaining additional sleep.  But I believe this is the only gained benefit from moving from daylight saving time to standard time.

    The gain of the hour on Sunday night will not compare to the loss of productivity due to earlier sunsets in the evenings.  There are so many benefits to having those extra minutes of daylight in the evening.  Most people are driving home at 5pm in the dark so there is no time to work out in the yard or exercise outdoors later in the evening.  And dogs have to be walked in the dark which poses a danger to them from traffic coming home for the day.

    I do believe the change in time affects everyone's mood when there is not enough sunlight.  This is why I try to get out during the day at lunchtime or anytime in the afternoons so that I can get my share of sunlight and vitamin D.  The next four and half months many people will feel like they are in hibernation because of all the darkness and cold weather.  I am going to enjoy the extra hour we get but I had rather stay on daylight saving time.  


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