Haunted Birthday
Haunted Birthday
by Jeremy Yarbrough
Lots of people enjoy this time of year for all of the activities that the changing of seasons provide. Some individuals really like haunted attractions. During my lifetime I have gone to a few and this year I had the opportunity to experience a place I have not been before. My friend has a birthday in October. This year his parents hosted his birthday party and the featured entertainment was to purchase tickets for he and his friends to experience Spooky Woods together.
Once we arrived at the location in Archdale, we had to wait in traffic due to the amount of people wanting to enter the venue. After about 25 minutes we were parked and went to the ticket counter. Fortunately, they had pre-purchased our tickets to go through the haunted house and trail attraction. Once we were admitted we all loaded up onto a hayride which was pulled by a John Deere tractor. Our trailer held approximately 50 guests and we thoroughly enjoyed the ride through the woods to get to our destination.
We off loaded at the front of the old house and anticipated what we would confront once in the house. The atmosphere was filled with smoke, dust and dismal lighting. There were several zombie characters throughout the house, many horrid creatures made appearances and scary people popped out of nowhere. After we exited the house, we then proceeded into the woods where we were chased by terrifying people with chainsaws.
After the horrifying experience of the house and woods we made our way back to the hayride to the parking area. My friends and I had a great time and will remember his birthday always. This was a wonderful way to celebrate turning sixteen. I will look forward to my next Halloween experience next year.
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