Coffee or Tea and Thee
Coffee or Tea and Thee
by Jeremy Yarbrough
We all have our preferences. Coffee is everywhere. I believe it is the most popular drink there is out there today. But there are people in two camps, you either love coffee or could live without it. My Mom is a coffee lover. Every morning starts with coffee and she drinks it throughout the day. When she is out and about a coffee stop is bound to happen. My Dad on the other hand hates coffee, he gets his daily caffeine fix by drinking his favorite soft drink, Sundrop. My go to drink is tea, sweet tea.
The aroma of coffee smells wonderful but I find the taste too bitter. I am sure it warms you up in the winter months and gives you the boost of caffeine that is needed to start the day. But I find iced tea to smell delicious and offer the benefits of a caffeine boost to satisfy my energy needs throughout the day. Tea also provides many health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, reducing diabetes risks, improves cardiovascular health, provides plant compounds and reduces stress.
Either one you choose, coffee or tea, is a great way to get enough fluid intake throughout the day. It is an excellent way to bond with friends while having a good cup of joe or a tall glass of iced, sweet tea. I am going to fill my glass up now. Enjoy your favorite coffee or tea today!
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